Wednesday, September 10, 2008

After the War (More info)

Thanks to Jan and the good people at for a few more details are available on the song titled After the War. It was written and released on the album "Two Houses' by Paul Gross 10 years ago and inspired by the events of Passchendaele.

In interview from 2005 Paul was asked about using the song in the film.
Not sure that we'll use any contemporary music in the movie at the moment. I've been leaning toward using compositions from the period. I think I'm going to use Alina, Spiegel im Spiegel by Arvo Part for the last 5-10 minutes of the movie. I'm pretty sure that will guarantee there won't be a dry eye in the house.
- Pual Gross, 2005,
In 200y he was asked about the use of After the War in Passchendaele again. He responded;

I don't think I'll be putting any contemporary music into Passchendaele - in fact, we're planning to do a big orchestral score which doesn't sit so well with strumming guitars. On the song-writing front, David Keeley and I are discussing doing another recording session when we both have the time clear on our schedules.
- Paul Gross, 2007,

You can sample the original song on youtube.