Saturday, May 25, 2024

Discography Updates - B-Sides that are Now Available

Hello again!  It has been 7 years since my last post here.  To those Slean fans out there, wishing you all the very best.  With the way social media and stream services have evolved, it's easier than ever to find news on Sarah.  However here are a few songs of Sarah that I had never heard before and thought it would be nice to share.  

The first is the song Mother and Daughters (Daughters and Mothers) from 2023 motion picture Mother of All Shows.  Stream the song on Spotify, on YouTube and you can purchase it on coloured vinyl here.

Next up is Sarah being a featured vocalist for the May 7 2021 release of the Winnipeg Jazz Orchestra album , Twisting Ways.  Album details can be found here and it's available for digital download on bandcamp, CD here and on most streaming platforms.  Sarah did tease this collaboration on X back in May of 2021.  Album can also be streamed on YouTube as part of the release.

Sarah was featured on the The Breithaupt Brothers "Just Passing Through" released in the US in September 2014.  The album version of their song "Missing Me" can be streamed here on Spotify.  A live version of Sarah performing with them the song from 2010 is available here.

2016 Sarah was on Slow Volumes 1 having an Untiled Track.  Purchase here.

2020 Sarah was the featured vocalist with collaborating partner Art of Time of cover Lou Reeds Sad Song.  Purchase here.

2019 Sarah was on the song Let's just be Together with Ian Kelly who she used to tour with.  Stream here.

In Feb of 2024 Sarah was also one 35 featured artists on Hello Everyone (Ceasefire Now)Stream and support here

Lastly, here are some other songs going back into the Sarah Slean discography archive.

Mourning by Noah Arkweld featuring Sarah Slean.  Released on the Singles 1995-1997 and available for purchase it was also released in 2009 on Noah's 2009 album, Names for Shapes That Don't Exist.  Spotify link.

There are still some songs like Sarah's feature on Cicero (Dylan White) song Yellowbelly that don't appear to be legally streaming online however can be purchased from sites like discogs.

Sarah does have a new album in the works and seems to have countless projects.  I don't know when the next post will be published here but there will continue to be news.  Be well.